Career Path Decide

Provides Service members the ability to explore careers based on their skills, interests, values, and lifestyle then DECIDE on the next higher education or certification moving closer to their goal.

See product
Service member profile
surveys taken.
Average Session Duration
spent  exploring careers.
Exploration and Planning Sessions
initiated on Career Path DECIDE.


Design a platform with quick and easy exercises that allow Service Members and Education Service Officers to explore & set a career goal, set a career-aligned academic goal, choose the best school for their goals, and share their goals with a Education Counselor in 15 minutes.


A mobile friendly product that helps Service Members discover education and career goals, without the constraints of a .mil certificate website. Service Members can see career and education progression within a career field to showcase long-term impacts of career and education decisions through Connected Pathways. The algorithms are derived from survey responses and underlying competency analysis, and creates Military affinity metrics for schools. There is also  transparency with an index rating based on nontraditional student outcome metrics and recommended by a Presidential Executive Order.


There have been over 75,000 Sessions using this decision support tool. The average session duration spent deciding on a career and education is 5:11, and 48% of all users view Career Path DECIDE on a mobile platform.