Return on College for Institutions

Return on College (ROC) for Institutions is designed to provide college admissions advisors, financial aid advisors, career counselors, academic advisors, and freshmen “career and financial readiness” instructors an interactive tool to help students and their families understand the return on investment (ROI) the college’s 2- and 4-year degree options. ROC can also be used in a one-on-one advising session or in a classroom setting. Boost college applications and retention rates by communicating the economic value of your programs with ROC for Institutions!
ROC shows how much you'd need to make a month for where in the country you want to live


  • Can be embedded as a widget on any of the college’s degree program informational pages to enable prospective and current students to instantly model the cost, career pathways, and estimated return of that degree program
  • Graphically models the lifetime salary and monthly salary for a student based on their city and state with only a high school diploma or associate degree and compares current earning potential to the cost of living independently in their town
  • Graphically models the estimated salary impact of a selected degree program choice relative to the student’s current occupation and degree level
  • Provides an accurate, contextualized and personalized net price cost estimate for a chosen degree(s)
  • Provides a personalized college loan repayment amount needed to finance a selected college degree and the impact of student loans on a student’s monthly budget until paid off
  • Enables the student to compare and share different degree options with the college and family members
  • Provides college administrators analytics on student users and their selections and integrates with students’ college admissions enrollment management funnel


  • Colleges have a way to answer the question, “what is value of degree worth” by helping current and prospective students and families understand the financial costs and long-term payoff of various undergraduate degrees from their specific institutions along with related career pathways
  • ROC combines multiple trusted data sources—including the US Census Bureau, Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Department of Education—as well as additional labor market insights and data to help students and families at their institution better understand the return on their investment for a degree from their institution
  • ROC helps to break down complex data points such as college outcomes and costs by institution, opportunity cost and expected future wages by degree program and location, and the cost of student loans, to give students and families a clearer picture of anticipated costs and earning potential by degree program
ROC allows you to compare colleges

Use Case

The New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) supported the initial design and rollout of ROC for Institutions, providing design input throughout its development. NYIT is now using ROC for Institutions to communicate to prospective and current students the career relevance of their degree programs and the return on investment potential. A ROC for college widget embeds directly into each 2-year and 4-year degree program webpage on NYIT’s website that enables prospective students to link directly into ROC and see a visualized representation of the net price of the degree, the occupations that align with the degree, the change in salary potential for students relative to their current degree level and/or occupation, and the anticipated loan servicing costs relative to their potential for improved earning power. NYIT is using the tool in several ways to include as an informational element on their degree program pages, in college fairs, and academic advising sessions with undecided students and degree changers, and in student loan package and financial aid exit interview conversations.


New York Institute of Technology

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