Experience Registry

An online application that enables workforce boards and communities to digitally catalog, maintain, and share their local skill-building opportunities and support services available across a community in a shared database (internships, bootcamps, apprenticeships, short-term training programs, etc.) so that these programs can be searched and associated with career pathways (e.g., via Path Builder). Increase visibility and utilization of education and support opportunities across your community in context of career pathways with Experience Registry!
Catalog a variety of programs in Experience Registry


  • Use an administrative Web interface to quickly and efficiently log skill-building training programs, courses, and activities to share via API with student-facing web applications and recruitment websites
  • API access to hundreds of training programs, courses, and activities that can be filtered by Location, Skill, Learning Method, and more
  • Associate your programs with key metadata including top skill and skill levels gained through a program; cost; schedule of offerings; intended age group; experience level required; alignment to career pathways; available locations; modality and more
  • Maintain all of your organizations’ or communities’ program offerings and schedules in one place
  • Tuition Assistance Program Management module enabling experience and training providers to receive requests and report on student progress and completion, as well as, store completion records


  • Increased exposure and awareness among your target audience of learners for training programs, courses, and activities in a community not typically housed in one database
  • Expand database of programs to more local organizations offering informal training and skill building activities
  • Integrate with your existing application to surface thousands of skill-building opportunities to your users
  • Let training providers manage and update their programs across a community,  which automatically update on your website or career advising application
  • Easily administer enrollment and completion tracking for your Tuition Assistance Programs
  • Integrates with Vantage Point’s PathBuilder tool to enable localized pathways to be associated with local skill-building programs not available in a central database
Preview programs in Experience Registry

Use Case

The Buffalo Niagara Partnership wished to promote life sustaining career pathways to opportunity youth (young professionals ages 18-24 that did not complete high school). The partnership consists of training providers, local employers, non-profit service providers, and a local workforce board. This collaborative used PathBuilder to identify local career pathways not visible to opportunity youth and clearly show entry points to these pathways that do not require a college degree. Twenty pathways were developed and shared on a configurable Career Futures platform, also developed and hosted by Vantage Point. The interactive pathways connect youth to local training programs, internships, career coaches, and local resources including GED completion programs, food banks, and housing resources.


The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning
Buffalo FuturesGlobal Technology Firm

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